March 6, 2014

Garage Makeover

Spring Cleaning time!  When we first moved here, we didn't have very many tools or outdoor equipment because it was all taken care of by our HOA (we lived in a small townhouse).  However, since moving here, we have a large lot to improve and projects upon projects to make/do.  Slowly we have acquired lots of tools.  Add in the animals' needs and well, our garage has gotten a bit out of hand in some places and needed a cheap quick makeover.

A 2 X 4, some large nails, screws, and a pegboard is all it took
Part 1 was getting the larger tools up.  By simply screwing a 2 X 4 into the studs we had enough support and could place large nails as needed to hang up the tools.

Part 2 was completed by screwing in some support for the pegboard into the wall and then attaching the pegboard.  With a few hooks we had our smaller tools easy to access and had reclaimed our counter.

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