March 16, 2014

I can do hard things!

This is one of the quotes often repeated at our home.  I shared some of my thoughts and also #4 Boy's thoughts here. I feel it is an important things for children all of us to understand.  I have to remind myself often that I can do it even if it is hard!
I'd love to hear your favorite quotes in the comment section!


  1. This quote is a favorite at our house too. We were first introduced to it when a 17 year old niece passed away and it was one of her mottos. We adopted it when we decided to move to Missouri, except my husband changed it to "We WILL do hard things" The last two years have taught us that this statement is true. We can and will do hard things and that is how we grow. ~Vicky

  2. I was trying to make a saying for myself for the year and I love the "I can do hard things" but for me I had to add "cheerfully" to the end as sometimes I do it but not very happily!

  3. Vicky, I love your story and I love it as We WILL do hard things! Not only "can" we do it be we "will." Samantha, I love adding cheerfully. That is often a part that is easy to miss and yet can make a world of difference!
