February 20, 2014

Mattress Fun

We have toys.  Yes, TONS of toys.  Some times they get some great use (some of the toys are well loved)....but sometimes I really wonder why we have toys.  The kids enjoy playing with regular household objects (ex: camping, hair/paper) just about as much as their fancy toys, as long as they are allowed to get creative with them.  I am good with creative, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone and they clean up after themselves.  One day for entertainment, the children played with the mattresses all day!  They pile them up, sleep on them, jump on them, jump onto them, and make forts and play in them.  Then at the end of the day they get put back on their beds and ready to sleep on.  Here is some of their mattress fun.

The kids would jump off the second or third bunk onto the stack of mattresses

This is the fort they made in my front room.  Doesn't it look fun!?!

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