With Dad being gone on trips back to back, I had to do something to
change the mundane world. #1 Girl had been asking to get the sleeping
bags out. So, last minute I decided that we might as well go camping...
bedroom camping.

pulled out the backpacks that have the sleeping bags in them. #1 Girl
insisted that we needed something for the side pockets. It was decided
that we needed 'water bottles' (sippy cups) for the side pockets. After
supplying those we went on a 'hike' up the stairs.

After our hike, we had family scripture study in the dark with a flashlight while the kids lay in their sleeping bags.

We decided to tell camping stories with the flashlight making our faces glow.
This is #3 Girl telling her story.

The others I took without flash to show what it looked like.
#2 Boy

#1 Girl

telling stories we built a camp fire. The kids helped gather the
'kindling' (random toys) and we all 'lit' the fire with our fingers.
The fire was huge (we added the beadmaze to the top). After getting the
fire going we got into our pajamas. We decided that since there was
still time that we would have a 'disco dance.' It started off with me
moving the flashlight around while the kids danced. After a little bit
the kids also took turns with the flashlight. Then it was time to 'put
the fire out' so we got cups of water from the pretend sink and dumped
it on the fire. It was off to bed! It was fun...maybe a little too fun
since the kids weren't ready to go to sleep (I was tired) . I finally
had to split them up into their own beds, but I hope they will remember
the fun!
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