November 12, 2011

Snow and Tram Ride

Last Saturday we had our first 'play in' snow of the year.  As much as I prefer summer, there is something magical about waking up and finding yourself in a land covered over night in snow while more flakes are falling down.  The kids were delighted to have some time to play in the snow and were ready to head out before breakfast.  We held off the crew until they had eaten and gotten dressed but then it is straight to pulling out snow boots, hats and gloves.  

Later that day we met up with sister's family at Snowbird to ride on the tramp for a can of food.  We were all excited to be going on our first tram ride, even though the view was clouded over and it was a bit cold outside.
Kid (yes, #2 Boy is in shorts...we needed to buy more pants)

The kids loved holding on the rails and looking out the windows especially as we passed over skiers

The view from the top was mostly cloudy but we were able to see a little bit down the mountain

After the ride we let the kids play in the snow for a little bit.  #4 Boy wanted to dive right in.

#1 Girl in the snow
As we loaded up the car most of the kids were freezing, crying and upset.  #4 Boy was having the hardest time with his freezing hands.  We were all happy to turn on the heat and head on home.

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