During the lesson we talked about the things that it takes to keep our house in good condition and have a happy home. We also talked about how being a family means that we have to work together to keep our house looking nice. The kids have helped with chores when I have asked but this lesson let them know that these are things they need to do to help out. The new chores for the kids...
In the morning
-Get dressed
-Put p.j.s away
-Say prayers
-Brush Teeth
After Meals
-#1 Girl sweeps

-Helps sort clothes into piles
-Fold rags and towels and put them away
-Everyone gets to help put toys away
-Help vacuum stairs and rooms
-Get dressed in p.j.s
-Put clothes away
-Brush Teeth
-Say prayers
Today #1 Girl was helping sweeping and I asked #2 Boy to come help wipe the tables. As he came in he must have been asking why we had to do it because I heard #1 Girl reply, "that's just part of being a family!"
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