August 20, 2012

Family Home Evening Activity

Last week for Family Home Evening (FHE) we created an assignment wheel so that we could all take turns being in charge of different portions of FHE (e.g. Prayer, Song, Lesson, Activity, Treat).  This is the first time we've attempted to do assignments like this. 

Things went really well including #2 Girl giving the lesson on the 12th article of faith, #1 Girl sharing a talent by playing the piano, and #5 Boy being in charge of our activity.  During family home evening, Mom asked #5 Boy what he wanted to do for our activity and he responded "Birthday Party."  So Mom asked him whose birthday he wanted to pretend it was to which he responded "Happy."  So we proceded to sing the happy birthday song to Happy.  At which point I (Dad) asked how old Happy was.  #5 Boy said that Happy was 4, so I suggested that we all give 4 birthday spankings to anybody who was happy (spanking wars is a regular and funny pastime at our house).  So there were several of us that got birthday spankings because we were happy and a couple others that managed to avoid spankings because they were good at faking a frown.  It was a fun impromptu activity led by our 2 year old.

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