July 26, 2011

Taste of Gardening

The kids are getting a taste of gardening.  I love to see their excitement as the pumpkins get better and tomatoes turn orange...hopefully red soon.  They love to help pick things and eat the food from the garden.  Then there is Dad.  If he gets started weeding it is hard to stop him!  I don't get the same drive as him when it comes to weeding but I love wandering the garden and finding the new little pepper that is peeking out of the flower or finding some cherry tomatoes that have been hiding.  It is so rewarding having a garden and I love that my kids get a taste of gardening by working in the garden and also enjoying the food that is produced.
 kids helping to pull up some green onions

#5 Boy wants to be in the middle of the action also but doesn't fully understand how to help, so I gave him an onion to play with for a while.  He had fun examining it.

#2 Boy has really been the one to enjoy the garden the most of all the children.  If I am thinning the carrots, he wants to do it.  If I am checking on the tomatoes he wants to do it.  He also loves to take the other children back and show them how big the pumpkin plant or rhubarb have gotten.

After picking carrots, onions and beans the kids all wanted to help wash them so they could have it for an evening snack.

#2 Boy eating a carrot

#1 Girl trying a carrot

#3 Girl having a carrot

#4 Boy making sure he only ate the orange part of the carrot.

Carrots, Beans and Onions

A view of our garden.  We have started to put our grass clippings on the garden and it has helped keep the weeds down. 
And in flower gardens...our Sunflowers are as tall as our fence now!

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