May 2, 2014

Benches #5: The Foam Covers

The End Product: Beautiful Nook Benches!

Our cheaper padding from here came finally so we were able to finish up our benches.  At least that is what we thought we were going to do...instead the kids got a hold of the pads and made an "ice fort" around the white rug. 
Ice Fort
After the kids went to bed, THEN we got to work on the benches.  We lined up the benches and cut the foam to fit the top of each bench.  One of the benches has to have a seam down it so we didn't have to buy extra foam.  We just used a Cutco knife, drew a line with a pencil and cut away.
The padding
We had to put all benches and pads back to make sure they fit.
We laid them out to make sure they fit.
The next day the extra foam pieces were quickly made into swords and shields. 
While the kids were occupied we sewed a couple of pieces of fabric together to make it wide enough to wrap them up like a present.  Then we just cut along the general area of the pentagons leaving enough room to fold it up and over the padding.
cutting the fabric
Then we pulled out the fabric glue.  We wrapped each piece folding in the ends and glued them closed.
Gluing the fabric

We also glued the seam on the one foam pad

folded out the seam to put glue on.  Then pull tight!

the bottom of our glued fabric foam pads

The beautiful nook bench! We love it all together!!

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