April 1, 2014

Clothes #1: Laundry Room Decor

We are going to talk about laundry.  I don't know too many people that love doing laundry, but I know lots of people that do it, including me!  I wanted something cute to put up in my laundry.  I wanted something that would encourage me to stay and do laundry.  I found the perfect mix.  It is cute, cheap, and cheery!  And since a photo says a thousand words:

This second photo has a bin in the bottom corner.  That is my secret bin.  I use to put clothing that no longer fits the children.  Straight from the wash to the storage bin, then down to the basement bin.  Which leads into my clothing management!

Clothes #2: Laundry Day
Clothes #3: Get rid of the Dresser
Clothes #4: Storage and Grab 


  1. Are those outfits your kids wore? So sweet!

  2. Yes they are! Mixed with 3 month photos! A simple nail, string and clothes pins make it a work of art and memories!
