March 13, 2013

Baby Chicks

With having a chicken coop now, we decided it would be fun to have more than just the two chickens laying eggs...and besides who doesn't want baby chicks!  Some day we think it would be fun to even incubate our own eggs, but this year we just went to IFA and each child was able to pick out a baby chick.  The kids have loved handling the chicks and get after me if I call them "birds" or "chickens."  They are already growing up way too quickly.  I think they have doubled in size from the time we bought them.  Originally we ended up with 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 1 Golden Sex Link, 2 Ameraucanas, and 1 Buff Orpington.  However, a couple days later #3 Girl's Sex Link died and she replaced it with another Silver Laced Wyandotte.  We have a little bit of work to do while they are little to get the coop and a run area ready for six more chickens so it is good it has been nice weather and we can work on that soon.  In the meantime we are enjoying them while they are little.

#1 Girl with the Chick Crate

All the children helping to let the chicks out into their new home

So Little!

#4 Boy holding Yellow (#5 Boy's chick)

#1 Girl grabbing Red (#3 Girl's first chick) [#1 Girl named her's Colors]

Playing with the chicks

#2 Boy with one of the chicks

Dad holding the one he picked out

#3 Girl loving the chick

#6 Boy wanted in on the action too

#4 Boy letting DCE (Different Colored Eggs) crawl on him

#5 Boy loves the little chicks

#4 Boy copying #6 Boy while playing with the chicks...we have to make sure #6 Boy doesn't step/sit on them while they are out of their crate!


#3 Girl and #4 Boy both enjoy having the chicks climb up their arms

#3 Girl getting her chick to feed out of her hand

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