Legos have been a big hit since we
made the lego table. The kids are often found creating. I love
it...except at night as I tiptoe through the legos strewn around the
floor. We brought up many of our Duplos Legos also. They connect with
the smaller Legos and the kids have enjoyed playing with them also,
though they too end up across the floor. #1 Girl and #2 Boy even used our
bins to sort the Legos by color. One evening the children told me they
had created a "pumpkin patch" out of Legos. Another evening I suggested
to #2 Boy to create a graveyard with ghosts. I love the time they spend
playing and creating. #2 Boy also spent some of his own money recently to
get some more Lego People. He asked that I print a picture for him so
he could look at it tons before they come. The kids spent a good couple
of hours just looking at the picture and getting excited!
The Pumpkin Patch (which has been destroyed my a one year old many times and rebuilt repeatedly by older siblings). |
#2 Boy's little graveyard with a ghost. |
#6 Boy hasn't been wanting to take his naps when he is suppose to, so
instead when I go get the kids from school he falls asleep in the car.
Problem is that by that time he won't let me wake him up because he is
SO tired. He sleeps but then doesn't want to go to bed at bed time! So
he has been napping all over the house. Even when I take pictures of
him trying to wake him up!
#6 Boy napping |
The big boys had fun playing with #7 Boy. I loved that they would share with him. |
Red, White, and Blue |
#3 Girl wanted to hold #7 Boy. She was laughing as she told me how he was
sucking a little on one shoulder but really sucked a lot on the other.
I offered to get him a bottle which she happily fed him. She is a good
big sister and helping #7 Boy often helps when she is feeling grumpy
too, if I can get her to do it!
#6 Boy had his eye
appointment this last week. I was told the appointment usually takes
2-3 hours. We were lucky and his only lasted 1.5 hours. He was a
really good boy. He happily grunted at the different objects around the
room. Even when they dilated his eyes he didn't complain at all. The
doctor says that everything is great with his eyes except his tear
ducts. Which is why we took him in. He will have to have a quick
surgery done on them. It will be nice for #6 Boy to not always have wet eyes. After the appointment they gave him
some nice shades to help with the sun. He happily wore them but then
broke them while I was setting up his appointment. We got a new pair
and I saved it for just before we headed out the door. He wore them
nicely until we got back indoors and then was done with them.
#6 Boy with his shades |
Looks like I have a
run of #7 Boy pictures coming up. No surprise! He is such a cute baby.
He coos so much and is a delight. Can't go wrong with those adorable
sleeping pictures either!
Smiling |
Stretch while sleeping |
Holding in his pacifier |
day our neighbor came over. #4 Boy insisted on showing her the spider
webs in our bushes (just what we all want our neighbors to see!... but
the kids loved finding them the day before and at least they were
outside not in my house!). Anyway, she loved the first one #4 Boy showed
her and told him that she has been trying to find a web just like that
for a long time. Later she came back with spray paint and a black piece
of paper. She sprayed the web and then put the paper behind it pulled
it forward and made a work of art. She told Isaac he could have it. He
LOVES it! We framed it and now it is #4 Boy's favorite Halloween
#4 Boy and the spider web |
These are MY
favorite Halloween Decorations: Photos of the Costumes each year (I
really should label them with year and theme...I know them now but will I
always? or will others?) |
#5 Boy was
pretty tired so I carried him in from the car. I put him on the
changing table to take of his shoes, turned and tossed them in the bin,
turned back and BAM he was out! |
Mess Maker! (Really it is an age thing, but he is at that age!)
#6 Boy drew on our magnetic wall with chalk (he had found it outside and brought it in with him stinker!) |
He lets to
play with the fruits and vegetables if I leave them on the counter. He
sunk his teeth into this tomato so I put him in his chair to eat it.
What a mess! |
And while I cook breakfast (since I have started doing that recently) he makes a mess with the utensils in the drawer. |
And #7 Boy hangs out in his bouncy which I usually have to bounce with a foot while cooking. |
Hum...maybe there is a reason I don't love cooking. I really think I might enjoy it
if I didn't have to take 4+ kids with me when I go grocery shopping OR
if I didn't have extra 'help' while preparing the meals OR
if there
wasn't complaining about the food while eating. BUT then I would just
be cooking for me and that wouldn't be fun either :-)
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