April 2, 2013

Spring Break - Coop Upgrade

The kids had spring break on Thursday-Monday. Dad also took off Thursday and Friday to help get some projects done around the yard. The kids think we work too much, but I think they still had plenty of fun play time! It was good to get as much of our projects done as we did.  There is still a lot left to do.  So, updates will probably come as things get completed.

Wednesday - Afternoon they spent playing with friends
Thursday - Working on the Chicken Coop 
Dad had to work in the morning and then we figured out sprinklers for Friday's projects.  After that we started on the chicken coop.  We weren't able to finish it but we made some great progress.  I will have to update once it is ready!
I gave #1 Girl the camera and she had way too much fun with it!
The kids loved that Dad climbed inside of the coop multiple times.

Cinnamon and Sunny

Mom and Dad adding a raised vent

#5 Boy playing

Mom and #5 Boy supervising

Honey relaxing while we work

#3 Girl swinging

#2 Boy getting ready to run down the slide

#2 Boy at the bottom!

#2 Boy on the monkey bars

#3 Girl taking a run

The state of the yard as we worked on the coop

Dad prying off some of the staples

I was painting the raised area while Dad was in the coop

#6 Boy playing in the dirt and rocks nearby
#2 Boy trying not to get hit after he fell off the 'teeter totter' they made

I love #4 Boy's face in this!

#5 Boy is great at wrapping an arm around me!

#3 Girl and #2 Boy on their invention


#4 Boy at the end of the slide

#6 Boy loves to chase the animals!

#2 Boy playing in the mud

Dirty children!

Everything we have done so far on the coop is from supplies that we had on hand.  There are a few things we will still need to buy but it is coming great just changing what we had available.

Mom working on more painting

Love this view #1 Girl captured

#4 Boy was delighted to be able to get in the coop like Dad

a bit of cutting had to be done

and some cleaning.  #5 Boy was excited to help Dad

Interesting view of #4 Boy coloring

The kids played for a long time out back but also spent some time coloring and playing indoors. They helped when they could but there is only so much they can do.

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